Montag, 20. Januar 2020

Henrik Nordborg zu Klima und GDP, WEF Davos, Schnee und Investitionsruinen

Ganzer Text
U.a. interessante Buchempfehlungen für die WEF-Teilnehmer  (=kleiner Auszug aus dem ganzen Artikel)
The Affluent Society, written by the eminent economist J. K. Galbraith in 1958. His main message is that the capitalist system, which was invented to raise the capital required for industrialization, does not make sense in a society where all material needs have been met. ... Such a situation was clearly not envisioned by Adam Smith. In short, capitalism became obsolete more than 60 years ago ...
Amusing Ourselves to Death by Neil Postman, which deals with the effects modern media has had on our ability to reason and discuss. ...  Nobody would have listened to Winston Churchill’s speeches, had there been a quiz show running on a different channel. 
The Collapse of Complex Societies by Joseph A. Tainter. He starts from that fact that all complex societies have failed sooner or later. The reason was always the diminishing return on investments in complexity. ...